Be the best version of yourself


Health and love are my highest core values and play a central theme in my life. It directs how I think, express myself and influence my family in terms of how we live, eat and connect with our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

This has led to a life long journey of exploration, learning and evolving into being able to support others to thrive.

Thriving abundantly can only happen when coming into full relationship with our authentic self. When you are able to do this, you are able to express and live the best version of yourself each and every day.


& health coaching

As a nutritional health coach my practice is based on the science of Patrick Holford’s blood sugar balancing approach to eating. This is an easy, accessible and extraordinarily powerful way in which to regain consistent energy, reclaim and maintain your optimal weight and find a new zest for life.

Alongside nutrition as a cornerstone to thriving comes transformational coaching to support breaking habits that no longer serve you. This includes reframing, re-visioning who you are as well as teaching powerful tools to create inner stillness, new inspiration and activate deeper self- awareness.

Each and every one of us is an integral thread in the web of life. What we do, and how we live within it really does matter.

When you remember who you are and have the tools to activate positive and meaningful change in your life, you change the life of everyone and everything around you.

This magnificent planet on which we live does not need us, we however need her and it is now our time to wake up. HumanWaking was born out of a passionate desire to co-create positive life affirming change in the world with the acknowledgement that the change starts with Me. The change you will make, begins and ends with You.

We care deeply about supporting your growth and empowering you to live the best version of yourself. What that looks like comes as a result of learning to come back into connection to all aspects of your being. Self-care is the starting point to self- love. Our work together is always holistic bringing back the connection between your body, mind and spirit.

Come join the evolution!

How can each of us find our way without being afraid, intimidated or overwhelmed, but rather, empowered, inspired and activated to make a difference and thrive?


Join the

Stress inhibits the free flow of energy and information in the mind-body system. By learning how to release accumulated stress, you can live a healthier, happier and more harmonious life.

As a meditation coach my work includes one on one as well as group courses to support you in keeping grounded and to release stress and to create, amongst many other life changing benefits, inner peace.



Co-Create has a vision and is on a mission to empower, inspire and activate positive change through community based greening and food gardens.

Since May 2020 we have activated two main pilot projects, in order to develop a template (green print) that can be open sourced & replicated in all communities around the country. Each initiative is led by an ambassador within the respective community.

We act as a bridge to bring resources including plants, tools, educational development workshops for adults and children to learn how to engage, reconnect and work with the land.

All volunteers have day jobs and have chosen Co-Create as our service to be part of making the change we want to see in the world.

Get in touch with us for more information on or