We are the first technology 27.1.2025
I chose to approach this new year completely differently. My entire life I have moved with anticipation and speed, excited and enthusiastic to “get things done”.
As this new cycle began, I decided to take an uncomfortable pause. Not to pre-empt or try to be the driver and control through a previously rigid and what has felt like an outdated model of actioning plans for the year ahead.
I have taken time to reflect deeply into what I want. What I really, really want. It has taken me years to get to a place where I know what I want and am not afraid of not knowing how I am going to get there.
I surrendered. Meditation has guided me to this point of knowing that no pure creation can come from the mind. The mind is crucial but it is not the mind that accesses inspiration. I have learnt that surrendering is neither passive nor is it in any way giving up. To surrender is a very active, conscious act.
Trust is the basis of this action. As my friend Corinna always says, “Trust is love and love is trust.” I see that this love through trust is a communion with the field from which I come.
By surrendering my all controlling mind, I am able to access a remembrance and become a vessel for inspiration to flow through me. It is those aspects of Self that are often forgotten or overridden by the mind and ego, the part that needs to be in control and is far more focused on the past or future than in the very now present.
Everything exists in the field. This field is consciousness. We don’t create the field, but rather we are created from the field. Becoming more conscious of this relationship of oneself as energy and consciousness is the journey to remember that we are spirit having a human experience.
To ultimately birth our unique creation as an expression in this life would be for anyone the greatest joy. It is the ultimate. It is the dream. If you can live your life in a way where you feel so free to create and be all of who you are, you are in union with all of life. This is the greatest act of self-love.
For some time now I have been saying that we are the first technology. What this means is that we carry eternal energy and creation potential in a finite body. We also only have one lifetime in this finite body in which to create whatever we contracted. It resides only as potential. It is our journey to choose.
In order for our primary technology, the body to hold our creation we have to ensure that our body’s wellbeing is functioning optimally. This body is our physical body including our structural alignment, our organs, blood, water flow/hydration, our muscles all the way to our skin as the outer structure that presents us to the world. This also includes our emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies.
In this journey of surrendering, I have been learning that the less I try to control and assert an outcome, the less turmoil I experience in my mind. Looking within rather than seeking solutions outside of me has shifted my mindscape profoundly. It takes years to unravel all our programs and limited belief systems that tell us what to believe and who we should be, yet unless we are willing to become more curious and exploratory of our inner landscape, we miss all the treasures of what our life is really about. Trusting that life is always supporting life and that everything around me is supporting my evolution.
The greatest realisation that revealed itself to me is that my technology cannot be fully operational or fully in my flow unless everything is aligned. All my inner parts need to run smoothly and this is a complex process that requires full attention, intention and action. The body is the foundation, it is the vehicle from which our greater technology (creativity) flows. If it is out of alignment we are not able to connect to or access all of who we truly are.
Being in alignment is translated into taking care of all parts of ourselves and ensuring that we are bringing in the full ecosystem of good habits and practices including movement, flexibility, muscle strength, nutritionally dense food, clean and mineral rich water, as well as positive thoughts and relationships that inspire and raise our frequency. It means taking care of every aspect of our being, body, mind and spirit as best as we can and doing this daily.
To hold a receptive, open vessel is not idealistic nor is it a quest for perfection. It is found in our daily choices. No matter how small, everything matters. Where our attention goes, energy flows and grows.
As we navigate our world where technology can be all consuming, I invite you to remember that you are the first technology and that it is always your choice to be either the consumer or the creator.